To shape tomorrow, we must act today.
By way of VOM, I seek to build a safe environment where my team can take risks, stretch imaginations and grow both personally and professionally, but to continue to raise the game for my team, I must first improve myself.
The last 2 years have been a blow to us all and I am the first to admit it had sent me in a tailspin. I was scheduled to attend a community development and Swahili program in Tanzania in 2020 but because of the pandemic challenges and restrictions, my learning program had been indefinitely postponed. Prior to pandemic, in 2019, I had injured my leg, ruptured Achilles tendon, and forced to postpone travels before the world-wide lockdown.
As I downshifted in disappointment, I upshifted in research and found two accreditation programs in Austin, currently enrolled in a Leadership and Management Program and a Producer Program. I am committed to upping my game to be able to build even better opportunities for my team to continue to thrive and share their talents. I wish healthy days ahead to VOM team, to all of our fans and to every world citizen. Thanks for sticking with the Voice of Maasai journey and I encourage you to continue to download our music and support our artists... we are working for a better world.
Wishing you all fortunate strokes of serengetidipity,
Jessey Jansen