We sat down with budding Pendo Moringe to chat about her music ambitions and how she sees herself moving forward in the world of music.
Hi Attu, we’re thrilled to have a chance to work with you and learn more of your story. Can you share where you are from, where do you call home?
Well, I am a Maasai by tribe from Kitwai Simanjiro, Manyara and I’m Laizer by Clan.
What are your musical and artistic skills? Tell us more about your training? Who inspired you to get into music?
I love music and have been singing in my community from a young age. Mostly I have been inspired by Mery Paulo, a young woman singer from our homeland. I love her spirit.
How would you describe the music that you typically create? What is your creative process like? My creative process is due to various situations that I pass through like sadness and happiness, but also sometimes the song comes intuitively, as I experience life. I document my emotions, sing them as well.
Which famous musicians do you admire? The famous musicians I admire mostly are Sanino Bless and Nanana Siampala from Kenya and Rehema Simfukwe and Mery Paulo from Tanzania, all Maasai singers. I see them on Youtube producing music that inspires me and makes me believe in my talents.
What quality or characteristic do you feel is most important to your success? Integrity is the most important, the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. Do you feel music is a good way to show what you’re capable of, the different sides of who you are, as an artist and as a person? Music is my destiny, I love music from the bottom of my heart and I believe in music. Music is the best way towards my success.
What is the biggest challenge for you regarding passions in music?
The biggest challenge I face is support from other artists for collaborations, and it is expensive to record music and videos.
What quality or characteristic do you feel is most important to your success?
Self commitment is the best way towards my success and cooperation with my fellow artists.
Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years. Help us understand your goals?
In 5 to 10 years I see myself as a well recognized artist and a community champion of addressing community problems through singing.
Thank you – are there other things that you’re currently focused on that you would like to share with Voice of Maasai fans?
I would like to share with you my biggest dream apart from being an artist is the dream of forming an organization that will focus on helping the community, especially children who live in difficult situations. I would like to thank the Voice of Maasai for this amazing opportunity you have given to me. May God bless you.
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Read more about Pendo here