Our first talent search in Simanjiro District, Manyara Region Tanzania far surpassed original projections. Eighty-nine eager contestants auditioned throughout Lobosiret, Narakowa and Kimotorok, all swelling with community support and excitement. Some shuffled in out of curiosity, others walked great distances to compete but the majority responded to our call for talent with pre-registration and preparation.
Contestants were asked to perform the following three criteria to help the judges determine vocal abilities, range, pitch, harmonization, timing, interpersonal skills and other essentials.
1) freestyle song of their choosing w/out music
2) sing common hymn with pre arranged music
3) improvise a song to pre arranged music
We also arranged for translators of Kiswahili as many contestants only speak their native Maa language.
All contestants were given a fair shot in being selected as one of 10 finalists that proceeded onto the winners challenge. Judges scrutinized, noted and laughed their way through the productions of gifted vocalists and other comics, dancers and performers in their own right.
Day 1 auditions hosted in Lobosiret resulted in 4 finalists, day 2 in Narakawo resulted in 3 finalists and day 3 on Kimotorok resulted in 3 finalists, all received transportation stipend to attend winners round in Lobosiret on day 4.
The final 10 arrived to Lobosiret by 9:30 AM to kick-off the winners round. Micro-expressions were a bit different this day as the winners package was in close grasp but only 3 could win. The fidgety and stiffness subsided as the team invited the contestants to do something natural, like jump, leap, or yell, which helped everyone laugh and loosen up.
Representing the best of Simanjiro, WINNERS:
First, Nai Yohana from Narakawo
Second, Jonas Eliya from Lobosiret
Third, Lamayani Tangwai from Lobosiret
WHATS NEXT: Winners receive cash stipend, profile on VOM website, media interviews, award certificates, medal, trophy and our sweet recording package. More info to come as we schedule studio time with all our winners and prepare for new music releases. We also plan to release a documentary highlighting this epic adventure! Thank you to all the individuals who made this competition a great success and to the Maasai communities who supported this creative endeavor.
Special recognition to TEAM VOM VIP for their unflinching commitments.
Organizer/Musical Composer/Instructor:
Alex Lobulu
Organizer/Community Facilitator/Registration:
Ting'ide Olopano, Pendo Moringe
Judges: Alex Lobulu, Pendo Moringe
Preparation: Judy Lobulu
Photographer: John Daved
MC: Barnabas
Sponsor/Content/Reporting/Arusha HQ:
Jessey Jansen