Apr 1, 2021

Large Feat and Citizen Engagement Music Video Enyito Korongoro

Updated: Jul 20, 2023

It was no small feat in producing our latest music video Enyito Korongoro. A timely call-to-action, Nemaa Koshuma's story expresses undeniable sensibilities to standing at a precipice in modern day Maasai communities. Constantly threatened with eviction, the Maasai are being forced off their homeland and his musical plea urges individual responsibility and education as essential steps to conserving land and protecting the resources that have nurtured his people for generations.

The challenges of Covid19 have created gaps in our studio process but also a chasm in the creative economy as a whole. On the preparedness side, we have worked hard to develop strategies to hire local creatives and broaden our online platform to allow our artists to continue to strengthen their repertoire and for our fans to continue to have access to our work. One could not react too carefully juxtaposed against the glaring challenges of the past year, so I am immensely proud that our 10th anniversary year welcomes a celebration of our resilient network.

Left to right: Alex Lobulu, Nemaa Koshuma

Honest acclaim befalls on Alex Lobulu and Nemaa Koshuma for their ingenuity and persistence in maximizing a limited budget and meager resources to complete this music video. Their willingness to make long hauls, remain flexible and to quickly adapt to the unexpected resulted in tremendous success in sharing a critical and informed perspective of Ngorongoro Crater and the people who call it home.

Special Acknowledgment

We send a heart-warmed thank you to Myles Berman for his recent donation to Voice of Maasai. His generosity allowed for the production of this relevant and time sensitive music video. We are forever grateful for his commitment in supporting our artists and their vision for a better tomorrow.

Call to Action

Download Music Enyito Korongoro special instrumental version available now

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